All maps failed with IVMSClient

2019-12-31   FAQ   1378   Ian   Inquire Now

There is a phenomenon :

No matter you switch Google, Baidu or openstreetMap, IVMSClient always shows blank.

There are the ways to solve the issue.

First. Please make sure your IE Browser version is 11.

All maps failed with IVMSClient Picture1

Second. Check the log of NewClientWpf. 

Here is the path: IVMS > NewClientWpf > log > NewClientWpf.  

All maps failed with IVMSClient Picture2

Third. Then copy the link "  "of libmap to your IE white list.

All maps failed with IVMSClient Picture3

Here is the result:

All maps failed with IVMSClient Picture4


All maps failed with IVMSClient Picture5All maps failed with IVMSClient.docx

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