Google map of MDVRPlayer

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How to get Google MAP API KEY.

1, You need create a goolge account first.

You can use link:

2, Link to below web site and log in with your account.

3, You need to create a project first and then create a API Key (Server API Key),and you need to pay for it.

Google map of MDVRPlayer Picture1

4, Select the “Google Maps JavaScript API ”.                                                                  Google map of MDVRPlayer Picture2

5, Click the Enable button.

Google map of MDVRPlayer Picture3

Select the Credentials.

                                                                             Google map of MDVRPlayer Picture4

Creat a key.

                                                                               Google map of MDVRPlayer Picture5

Then you get the key:

                                              Google map of MDVRPlayer Picture6



How to add Google MAP API KEY.

6. MDVRPlayer get the map key from Local side.

6.1 Select the local.

6.2 Fill in the Google MAP API KEY.  

Google map of MDVRPlayer Picture7

7.  Restart MDVR Player.

Google map of MDVRPlayer Picture8

8. MDVRPlayer get the map key from IVMSServer side.

8.1 Select the Server.

8.2 Fill in your IVMS Server WAN IP and Web port. 

Google map of MDVRPlayer Picture9

8.3 Add the MAP API KEY in your IVMS Server side.

8.31 Download the new map file from below link and replace it to your server side.

8.32 Decompress the downloaded file, then copy it to this path, you just need to overwrite the old file.

        Note: Before updating the file, please backup your old map file first. 

Google map of MDVRPlayer Picture10

8.33 Open this path, then add your Google Map API Key to gmap.html file as below:

<script type=text/javascript src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Google map of MDVRPlayer Picture11

8.34 Restart IVMS Server and MDVRPlayer.

Google map of MDVRPlayer Picture12


Google map of MDVRPlayer Picture13Google map of MDVRPlayer.docx

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