How to change the GPS data storage directory

2019-10-26   FAQ   1429   Savoy   Inquire Now

1. First, you need to stop the server, then open the server installation directory, find the GPSDataSvr.ini file.

How to change the GPS data storage directory Picture1

2. Open this file, and you can change the GPS data storage directory, the default setting is C:\gIVMSStore\

How to change the GPS data storage directory Picture2

3. If you changed the storage place, you need to copy the old GPS data to the new directory you set, or you will can not find the old GPS date in IVMS Client side.

How to change the GPS data storage directory Picture3

4. Restart the IVMS Server, then check if you can search the old GPS data from IVMS Client side.


How to change the GPS data storage directory Picture4How to change the GPS data storage directory.docx

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