How to convert certificate format

2020-04-03   FAQ   2023   Savoy   Inquire Now
  • .pfx > . jks

1.The keytool is located under the ...IVMS Server \ tomcat \ jdk1.6.0_26 \ bin directory which need to use.

2. Put the certificate which need to be converted into this directory

3. Open cmd as administrator and open to… IVMS Server \ tomcat \ jdk1.6.0_26 \ bin path

4. Execute the command keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore (your certificate name).Pfx -destkeystore (after converted certificate name). Jks -srcstoretype PKCS12 -deststoretype JKS, you will be required to input password (the certificate password after conversion and the certificate password before conversion. It is recommended to use the same password to avoid confusion).

How to convert certificate format Picture1

How to convert certificate format Picture2

5. You can find the jks file in the same directory once succeed.

  • .pfx > .pem

1. You need  to download openssl software first.

2. Convert .pfx certificate to .pem 

    openssl pkcs12 -in (the original certificate). pfx -nodes -out (new certificate).pem (password is required, the key format in this .pem certificate is not correct, you need to continue to convert)

3. Export the private key server.key from the .pem file:

    openssl rsa -in server.pem -out server.key

4. Export certificate server.crt from .pem file:

    openssl x509 -in server.pem -out server.crt

How to convert certificate format Picture3

5. Use notepad ++ to open the .key and .crt files, copy all the contents of the .key file into the .crt, and save as another .pem file.

  • Below is the .crt file:

How to convert certificate format Picture4

  • Below is the .key file:

How to convert certificate format Picture5

6. After combination, this .pem file is with RSA KEY certificate and can be used in the SSL server.

How to convert certificate format Picture6


How to convert certificate format Picture7How to convert certificate format.docx

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