How to Fixed MDVR Upgrade Failed Issue

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Before programming :

1. To install the  Command Line Tool “SecureCRT”,to run the SecureCRTPortable.exe:

How to Fixed MDVR Upgrade Failed Issue Picture1

Note: Make all settings like above picture.

2. Port option:[computer management] – [device manager] , you will see the port [COM & LPT]

Start to program:

1. to power up the device, to enter “CTRL+C” on serial port page, enter u-boot.

2. to connect the LAN cable to the device, and connect to the LAN ( the device and the programming PC should be in the same local area network)

3. to use remote control composite key to close the watch-dog: 8+F3+F1+Auto //to repeat it 3-4 times,in order to close the watch-dog 

4. to set up device network parameter:      //normally to set up once

   setenv gatewayip  //gateway setup

   setenv ipaddr   // IP address setup, be aware not to conflict with in other IP in the LAN

   setenv netmask   //mask setup

   setenv serverip // to config it as your TFTP server’s IP, normally it should be the IP of your PC.

5. sa         //save the config

6. printenv    //view the parameter

7. to open tftpd32.exe

  To  set the home directory of tftp as:X:\tftp(normally it should be the directory where the Flash is)

8. to program with 32M,input the command on the serial port page:

mw.b 0x82000000 ff 0x2000000;tftp 0x82000000 JH4_HYBRID_flash_T16112202.img;

How to Fixed MDVR Upgrade Failed Issue Picture2

sf probe 0;sf erase 0 0x2000000;sf write 0x82000000 0 0x2000000

input the command according to the prompt:

How to Fixed MDVR Upgrade Failed Issue Picture3

9. reset: after finishing the above steps, input “reset” command, then restart the device.


How to Fixed MDVR Upgrade Failed Issue Picture4How to Fixed MDVR Upgrade Failed Issue.docx

How to Fixed MDVR Upgrade Failed Issue Picture5 SecureCRTPortable.rar

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