How to identify the H265 video's start time and end time

2020-03-27   FAQ   1271   Savoy   Inquire Now

When customer use JI2 JI3, new JH0 and JH16, the video record file will be .dat format, and we can not see the video start time and end time, this will be very difficult for customer to check the video via package time.

How to identify the H265 video's start time and end Picture1

1. First, install the newest MDVR Player, you can download it from this link:

How to identify the H265 video's start time and end Picture2

2. Choose the .dat file folder, then it will show the file list at this side, and you can see the video start time and end time.

How to identify the H265 video's start time and end Picture3

How to identify the H265 video's start time and end Picture4

3. Choose one file and right click it ,you will see the selete file option, click it, it will jump to the folder and select the corresponding dat file, then we can clear know the the dat file name.

How to identify the H265 video's start time and end Picture5

How to identify the H265 video's start time and end Picture6


How to identify the H265 video's start time and end Picture7How to identify the H265 video's start time and end time.docx

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