How to solve duplicate device ID on IVMS old server

2020-01-08   FAQ   1365   Savoy   Inquire Now

When users plan to add new device ID in IVMS old server, the system will show below error: IDNO. has been used!

How to solve duplicate device ID on IVMS old server Picture1

Then please go to your IVMS old server part and follow below steps:

1.  First, download the Navicat for mysql software from this link and install it.

2. Use Navicat for mysql login the database, you can follow this picture.

How to solve duplicate device ID on IVMS old server Picture2

3.  Then check the account, use_info, dev_info, etc. You can use this command check it:

  • select dev_info.AccountID, dev_info.IDNO from dev_info WHERE dev_info.AccountID noT IN (SELECT ID FROM  account)

  • select account.ID, account.Account from account WHERE account.Type=1 AND NOT IN(SELECT AccountID FROM dev_info)

  • select account.ID, account.Account from account WHERE Type=1 AND account.ID noT IN (SELECT AccountID FROM  dev_info)

  • select * from dev_info WHERE dev_info.IDNO not in (select Account from account)

  • select * from user_info u where u.AccountID not in (select ID from account)

How to solve duplicate device ID on IVMS old server Picture3

4. If it get some error, you need to change it in the table. like this one , you need to check account and dev_info table, if it is only in a table, you can delete it, then save it.

How to solve duplicate device ID on IVMS old server Picture4

How to solve duplicate device ID on IVMS old server Picture5

5. After change this, then restart the IVMS Server and try to add device or user from the server web page again, you will find it is working now.

How to solve duplicate device ID on IVMS old server Picture6 How to solve duplicate device ID on IVMS old serve.docx

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