How to solve JH6S-D Android APK version upgrade failed at IVMS Client side

2019-12-27   FAQ   1234   Savoy   Inquire Now

1. First, you need to check if the APK version name and suffix is right, if the APK suffix is not .apk, it will can not upgrade,even it had showed upgrade successfully, it only send it to server side, but the device can not get this file, because the suffix is wrong, it can not Identify this.

How to solve JH6S-D Android APK version upgrade failed at IVMS Client side Picture1

How to solve JH6S-D Android APK version upgrade failed at IVMS Client side Picture2

How to solve JH6S-D Android APK version upgrade failed at IVMS Client side Picture3

2. If the name is right, but still can not upgrade, then you need to check if your device have  HDD or SD card inside it, if the device do not have this, the file can not upload , so it can not upgrade.

How to solve JH6S-D Android APK version upgrade failed at IVMS Client side Picture4

3. When it is upgrading, the device side also have progress bar display, then keep the power on, it will upgrading itself, after finished, it will restart, then you can check the APK version in system info side.

How to solve JH6S-D Android APK version upgrade failed at IVMS Client side Picture5


How to solve JH6S-D Android APK version upgrade failed at IVMS Client side Picture6How to solve JH6S-D Android APK version upgrade failed at IVMS Client side.docx

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