How to use 3G/4G online for mobile DVR

2019-09-02   FAQ   2276   Savoy   Inquire Now

1. First you need to install the IVMS Server, then add a account and device in the web side.

2. Login the MDVR with default password 888888, then choose "GENERAL"--"VEHICLE INFO", change the Dev-Num to the device you add in the web side, for the  Vehicle-Num you can change to what you want, then save it.

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3. Go back to "GENERAL", choose "NETWORK", change the server IP and port to your server's WAN IP and port, then save it.

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4. Go back to the setup menu, then choose “PREIPHERALS”--“WIRELESS SETUP, change the 3/4G parameters, you can ask your local 3/4G operators for those information: APN, Center-Num, User Name, Password. After you fill out this, save it.

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5. Go back to the Video preview window, click the info button on the remote control, you can see the system info page, wait a few mins, it will show Center-L SUCCESSFUL, this means the MDVR is online,  then you can check the video in IVMS Client side. 

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How to use 3G/4G online for mobile DVR Picture10Mobile-Dvr-Telematics-3G-4G-Registration-and-Configuration-Quick-Guide.pdf

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