How to use CWD10 write RFID card

2020-01-10   FAQ   1630   Savoy   Inquire Now

1. First, you need to use the USB cable connect CWD10 to your PC, then it will install the drive itself.

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2. Open the Cardwriter software, if CardWriter.exe dose not run , plese run vcredist_x86.exe to install runtime library.

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3. Put the card on the CWD10, if you want to know the RFID card information, you can choose Read to show the card information, if you want to write a new ID, you can change it to what you want and choose write to set it.

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4. After this, you can swipe the card at RFID side, then we will get the information from IVMS client.

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How to use CWD10 write RFID card Picture6How to use CWD10 write RFID card.docx

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